National Breastfeeding Week
University Hospital Sharjah celebrated the National Breastfeeding Week under the theme “Breastfeeding effectively protects baby and mother health” where we explained the importance of Breastfeeding and its function.
The Occasion of Flag Day
"On the occasion of Flag Day, we celebrate our unity and the symbol of our identity and pride. As we renew the pledge of loyalty and belonging to our beloved UAE, we keep our flag as high and distinguished as we received it from our fathers and grandfathers, remains towering" Said By His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
Together at the University Hospital Sharjah, we raise it up to stay high.
Fertility Awareness Week
In the occasion of Fertility Awareness Week, Sharjah Fertility Center at the University Hospital Sharjah celebrated through conducting a lecture about the advanced technology used, the positive successful results and the importance of fertility.
Hospital Disinfection & Sanitization
At the University Hospital Sharjah, we take proper precautions and procedures to lower the number of germs to a safe level by cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing. Disinfection itself refers to killing nearly 100 percent of all kind of germs on surfaces or objects, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
We work hard to guarantee a safer and healthy environment to all our patients, visitors and employees, therefore UHS is being sanitized on a daily basis. Specially the most touchable surfaces such as: counters, chairs, door nobs, lift buttons, ATMS, vending machines and many others are being sanitized every one hour.
Together we enhance health stability.
Women’s International Day
Sunday, 8 March, 2020, the day aimed to focus on helping women gain full and equal participation in global development.
Here at University Hospital Sharjah, the Women’s International Day means a lot! We can easily spot the contribution of females in building and improving the hospital successfully. Many different positions in the hospital are dominated by females, as their level of success and prosperity is very significant, ranging from housekeepers to managers.
Empowering women has always been our number one concern!
UAE-Russian Business Forum
Exploring economic cooperations, The Sharjah Economic Development Department (SEDD), in a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Energy and Industry (MOEI), hosted the UAE-Russian Business Forum, on 19th February, 2020.
The University Hospital Sharjah was invited to the Forum to showcase the various services offered in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz Al Muhairi, Director of Sharjah Health Authority.
The Forum main objective was to enhance and strengthen economic and investment cooperation between UAE, in general, and Sharjah, in particular, and the Federal Republic of Russia. In addition, it provides significant channels of investment and diversify sources of income.
Annual Health Education Exhibition
On Tuesday, February 25th, 2020, Al Qasimia University hosted the Annual Health Education Exhibition at their main building auditorium. University Hospital Sharjah was invited to educate, counsel, dis-play their services and conduct different screenings to the attendees.
Blood Sugar Screening, Body Mass Index Screening and Blood Pressure Screening were all conducted during the event to the attendees and goodie bags with informational brochures were distributed to educate them more about their health.
To get these brochures, pass by the University Hospital Sharjah, we offer all kind of brochures for various uncountable conditions and services.